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对军用装备的贮存可靠性指标进行统计描述,对装备系统常见的有性能参数要求的机械、电子整机,有强度要求的结构件整机和一次性使用产品等三大类型军用装备的贮存可靠性给出定量评定的模型。  相似文献   
本文阐述了兵器运用工程研究的目的、对象、内容及要解决的问题,简要地回顾了这门学科形成的过程,并着重讨论了构成本学科的专业理论和今后急待研究的方向。  相似文献   
介绍了储油罐内水雾灭火机理及计算模型,供水强度确定方法和灭火技术特点.将水雾灭火方法与其他方法进行了比较.水雾灭火方法通过气相冷却、隔氧、吸收热辐射和穿透火焰等作用控制火势,消除火灾.水雾灭火方法具有用水少、价格低、无污染、效果好等特点,特别适宜扑救石油洞库储油罐的火灾.  相似文献   
狭长受限空间火灾临界可燃距离实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
油料洞库的安全一直是各级主管部门非常关心的问题。狭长受限空间是地下建筑及地下油料洞库的关键结构,针对狭长受限空间发生火灾能否持续燃烧问题,在公称直径分别为50mm、100mm、150mm和250mm的模拟狭长受限空间上,以柴油作为燃烧工质,置于尺寸、形状各异的3种油盘中,进行了系统实验研究与分析,证实了狭长受限空间临界可燃距离的存在,并在此基础上,提出了计算方法,得出一些有益的结论,对研究油料洞库消防新技术有一定的价值。  相似文献   
Safety of underground ammunition storage is an important issue, especially during the accidental ignition of missiles. This work investigates the pressure and temperature distribution of the multi-layer underground ammunition storage with a pressure relief duct during the accidental ignition process of the missile. A large-scale experiment was carried out using a multi-layered restricted space with a pressure relief duct to simulate the underground ammunition store and a solid rocket motor to simulate the accidental ignition of the missile. The results show that when the motor gas mass flow increased by 5.6 times, the maximum pressure of the ammunition storage increased by 5.87 times. At a certain motor flow rate, when the pressure relief exhaust area at the end of the relief duct was reduced by 1/2, the maximum pressure on the first layer did not change. But the rate of pressure relief was reduced and the time delayed for the pressure of ammunition store to drop to zero. In this experiment, when the motor ignition position was located in to the third layer ammunition chamber, the maximum pressure was reduced by 32.9% and also reduced the rate of change of pressure. In addition, for the experimental conditions, the theoretical analysis of the pressure relief of the ammunition storage is given by a simplified model. Based on the findings, some suggestions to the safety protection design of ammunition store are proposed.  相似文献   
In this article, we present an algorithm for the valuation and optimal operation of natural gas storage facilities. Real options theory is used to derive nonlinear partial‐integro‐differential equations (PIDEs), the solution of which give both valuation and optimal operating strategies for these facilities. The equations are designed to incorporate a wide class of spot price models that can exhibit the same time‐dependent, mean‐reverting dynamics, and price spikes as those observed in most energy markets. Particular attention is paid to the operational characteristics of real storage units. These characteristics include working gas capacities, variable deliverability and injection rates, and cycling limitations. We illustrate the model with a numerical example of a salt cavern storage facility that clearly shows how a gas storage facility is like a financial straddle with both put and call properties. Depending on the amount of gas in storage the relative influence of the put and call components vary. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
为探究火箭武器储运发射箱长期储存的蠕变性能,制备复合材料层压板并开展单轴拉伸蠕变试验,获得了单向纤维复合材料主方向的蠕变本构模型参数。采用有限元方法并借助用户自定义材料子程序建立储运发射箱长期储存蠕变的数值分析模型,预测了堆码储存15年后底层发射箱的蠕变变形。以储存后的发射箱作为初始状态建立弹管耦合发射动力学仿真计算模型,进一步分析蠕变对火箭弹发射过程的影响。仿真结果表明:蠕变引起的定向器平行度和发射箱底面平面度的变化均小于技术指标规定值,定向器束的最大残余变形在三维空间内呈马鞍状分布,上、下两行中间位置定向器的变形最大,左、右两列中间位置定向器的变形最小。定向器蠕变变形使得弹管间隙减小,火箭弹在管内运动使弹管之间的动态接触碰撞力增大,离轨速度降低。  相似文献   
分析了影响装备储备决策的评价指标,利用层次分析法(AHP)和整数规划(IP)方法,建立了辅助同类不同装备储备决策的数学模型。  相似文献   
交互式电子技术手册应用与发展展望   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
交互式电子技术手册(IETM)是一种数字化信息系统,它在编制、修改、存储、运输、使用和管理等方面有纸张型技术手册无可比拟的优点,必将在武器装备领域中得到广泛应用。阐述了IETM的产生背景、发展现状、基本分类、技术特点及应用前景,并对如何加强IETM技术在我军装备中的应用研究提出了有关见解。  相似文献   
可靠的数据保障是舰艇通信训练效果评估工作开展的基础。针对舰艇通信训练数据记录存储不规范、处理技术运用不合理和可视化程度不高等问题,构建一种实用性较强的舰艇通信训练数据支持系统。该系统充分融入数据挖掘、数据仓库和数据可视化等技术的优点,可对训练数据进行充分的分析处理,能够直接服务于训练评估工作和构建存储数据库,具有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   
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